Looking back at my work I have learnt many things and improved the skills required in my type of work. There were some very clear problems that had formed from my work. One problem that I had faced was that each computer uses a different resolution, and due to this my camera tracking script that limits the camera movement was affected. If the resolution of your screen was smaller than mine (2195x1235) then parts of the scene are unable to be scene no matter what adjustments I made to the output resolution of the game. I spent many hours trying to figure out this problem as it was something that would stop most people from being able to play my game. This was quite stressful as I knew that my lecturers were excited to play my game. I was unable to fix this resolution bug which means that people won't be able to play my game properly, as the game is functional but you cannot see where you are meant to be going, making it unplayable. This is a great shame, I don't have the knowledge or experience to fix this problem and I really hope it isn't something that brings my grade down.
There were a large amount of positives that came out of this project. These being that I had gained a lot of experience when it came to organising my time and working towards a dead line, I learnt from my experiences of being forced to restart as well as gaining experience in areas that I had never worked in before. I believe these have bettered my experience and skills when working on a project. Most of the problems I faced I was able to overcome through determination and research, however I was unable to overcome the last difficulty which was probably my greatest struggle. I am glad I took the time a few days ago to record myself playing the game in case a problem like this was to arise.