Today I took on the task of creating some deigns for the posters, instagram adds and for the app.
I created some colour swatches with large variations in shade and tone. I ended up having a blue hue in the posters and instagram adds that I made.
I used one of the renders that I had made in Fusion 360 that could be used in the posters. Looking back at this part of the project I do think that I should have used some other renders so that there is some variation throughout the posters.

The purpose of the app was to allow the user of the device to adjust its settings and customise its features. Access to the app would be free but would require an account to protect your details and information. The app would allow the user to pair it to their 'Theia'.
These were some of the still images that I rendered for the posters, adds and for the website.
Here are the raw videos before editing that would be used in one of the adverts:
When making this animation I knew that it going to be cut up, speed up and reversed so I didn't think about the order of the movement but my focus was just to make interesting angles and panning around the product that could be cut up and edited back together again for the final video.
This is what I was able to make from it: