I created a simple walking animation for the skeleton enemy I made and added a BoxCollider2D so that the player could not walk through the enemy, however I made only the bottom half of the enemy have collision so that the player could walk behind the top half of the enemy to give a more realistic perception of perspective and levels.

Here is a video displaying the simple walking animation I made for the skeleton walking.
I began thinking about how to make the gamer experience unique to the players needs and wants so I began to think about different play styles and character types that are seen in classic dungeon crawlers and Dungeons and Dragons. I came up with three basic player types and their unique abilities, these included:
-Mage (Long to Mid range attack):
-Restoration (healing)
-Elemental control
-Mana (magic power) has to recharge
-Only one ability can be active at a time
-Assassin (Close range attack):
-Agility / Faster movement speed
-Lock picking
-Brute(Close to Mid range attack):
-Overall more damage dealt
-More stamina
I came up with some ideas for enemies, these included:
When designing these enemies I believe I should take inspiration from the enemies seen in the game, Terraria. I began working on a combat system, to start this process I decided I wanted to work on creating projectiles that the Mage could produce. To get the projectiles to shoot where the players mouse was pointing I had to create a script that could track this movement.

Here is a video displaying some lighting tests I did with new torches textures places around the scene with their own animations. There is also a fireball animation that I had made in preparation for spawning in the projectiles. I made a bright yellow texture that allowed me to see if the mouse tracking was working for test purposes.
It was at this point that I began to believe that this was not the best idea for a game that I could be making as it wasn't particularly original as there are hundreds of games out there that are dungeon crawlers with classes similar to the ones I planned to make. I believe that I could create a more unique and original game, so I started brainstorming.