Evaluating other's work-
I evaluated Jasmine's work and stated that:
Her blog posts were clear and contained a lot of facts making what she said credible. Each blog post had a clear purpose. I made some notes on the constructive criticism I gave and they are what follows:
-Make each blog post longer with more detail.
-Use more imagery in your work.
-Write more about your own personal thoughts on the topic.
-Categories would help organise ht individual blogs.
My works evaluation-
Gabe produced an evaluation on my work, she said that my work was-
-Clear and structured.
-Easy on the eyes.
-Informative, with the aid of visuals.
-Direct and had purpose.
-Lacking personal thoughts on each topic.
I think that the evaluation of my work was very helpful and provided me with a clear insight into how I can improve my work in the future. I will be using the constructive criticism that Gabe provided in all of my future work.