This terms project was to work with propaganda and create our own examples of it. This project involved researching existing pieces of propaganda, understanding its meaning and impact as well as creating our own.
My initial response to this project was to do a piece of research into the different world problems that I believed to be important to me and that I was enthusiastic about. Some of the these topics included:
-Corruption within world governments
-Global Warming
-NHS funding
-Human rights
-Animals rights
-Age discrimination
I chose to pursue the topic of Global Warming as it was rather fitting due to the Australian forest fires had been all over the news. I used the topic of Global Warming in my work with sandwich boards. This work connected to the work I did with the green screen booth as I was able to use the photographs in photoshop to edit myself into street views as I held my sign. My sandwich board work linked to global warming and the ongoing forest fires in Australia at the time, as it depicted a koala being "Evicted" from his burning tree. Everyone had the chance to express a topic they were passionate about.