Visual information / Advertisement is everywhere, we see adverts on all socials medias- facebook and instagram for example, as well as seeing posters on most buses.
Suffragette movement:
The first organised movement that wasn't a riot was the suffragette movement. This movement relied on the use of propaganda and more specifically leaflets/pamphlets. These were used to spread awareness to potential freedom fighters.

Soviet propaganda:
Many people in Soviet Russia couldn't read or write so the use of images were extremely important so that the people could still understand and spread the message.

For example in this poster you don't need to be able to read or write to understand that this poster is trying to depict unity between everyone of Russia and how the workers are the represented and understood.
Alexander - Rodchenko (1924):
Rodchenko was a Russian artist who worked with photography, graphic design and a sculptor. One of the pieces of art that Rodchenko created was a poster about the want for books and their need for eduction. This was artwork that he deemed to be under 'constructivism'. This was the idea that the art was not about artistic expression but was instead about 'building', 'architecture' and 'constructing' the piece of work instead.

North Korea Propaganda:
These posters would depict the country and its members as being positive, healthy and well-fed. The colours were vibrant, this was used to hide the reality of the struggling situation.

Propaganda in clothing:
Propaganda was beginning to be seen in clothing as another method to spread the message. Katherine Hamnett used a method of protest fashion as it gathered a large response from the public and political figures.