Today I took a responded to my research by experimenting with the style of art that I had seen used by Pablo Abarca. I ended up doing some rough sketches in photoshop using similar techniques, these being using blending layers to create the glow and sunbeams, as well as using the opacity brushes to create definition over time by repainting over areas of the image.
These sketches were not as refined as Pablo's due to the much shorter amount of time that I spent on them however I do believe I have learnt from responding to this research as I've discovered new techniques to creating sunbeam and other lighting elements.

I decided I wasn't satisfied with the work I had done as in Pablo's artwork he uses a dark tone with a strong contrast to the glow emitted from the lights. So I adding some sky and sunbeams as shown below:

I began to add shadows, but I soon realised I had done this unrealistically as I added too much black.

I removed some of the shadows so that it wasn't as intense are before.

I added some smaller details but I kept the drawing rough as I didn't want to spent too much time on this.

Due to my sketch not being based in the dead of night I think it is understandable that the tone is not as dark as the images drawn by Pablo.
With some further experimentation I ended up with this:

The ground was left without detail due to me being satisfied that I had responded to Pablo Abarca's work well and I didn't need to do anymore work for these sketches.