I wanted to play around with the idea of scale and move away from the style of shots I had previously been using. Normally I used medium and close-up shots however this time I wanted to try and work with some wider shots. I had not considered the difficulties I would face when making these wide shots within Unreal Engine. Before this project I had never worked on creating long shots and I found it very difficult to make these shots while using volumetric fog as this fog component would wash the scene of colour very easily due to the fact that it was a long distance shot.

I really liked the idea of creating some sort of power dynamic shot in which you get this unique angle from below as we look up in awe at the statue just like the character in the foreground it. Due to not having character models that would have been high quality enough I decided to not pursue this idea.
The castle within the cliffs scene was based off a sketch I drew a while back, this was inspired from a real life geographical location. I used markers and fine liners to add depth to my concept sketch.

I recreated this drawing very accurately within Unreal Engine and turned it into an animation with the use of a bird. I knew that I wanted to create several clips that would be edited together so I considered if I could design something within this scene to create a natural transition without video affects. I ended up deciding to work with the concept of a bird that flies by the camera blocking it's view for a short period of time providing an opportunity to switch to a new scene.
These sketches weren't as recent however they did contribute towards the final animation as they were the fundamental concepts for the entire project:
These were the sketches that contributed massively to the first animation and scene I made for this project. This scene was eventually used within the final animation, however it lacked sound this time due to many of my files becoming corrupt.