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Memento Initial Research

Writer's picture: Freddie MastersonFreddie Masterson


-noun, plural me men tos, me men toes.

-An Object or item that servers to remind one of a person or past event ect.


-It could serve as a reminder or warning.


-noun, trace.

-A surviving mark, sign or evidence of the former existence, influence, or action of some agent or event.

-A barely discernible indication or evidence of some quantity.

-To go back in history.

-The sense of providing sameness and continuity in person over time and sometimes disturbed in mental illness.

-An instance or point of sameness or likeness.

Memento- objects we often keep hold to a special meaning, perhaps a memento reminds you of a person, place or event. These can be linked to memories that are public and others that are private. Mementos are often linked to a feeling of nostalgia and sentimental value.

To me a memento is a link to the past, which can bring back a mixture of positive and negative emotions. A memento can make you feel connected to the past and can remind you of how things once were, providing insight, comfort and realisation in some cases.

Traces of identity- a mark or sign that represents the existence of something, when linked to identity it connects traces to an individual, place or object that creates a greater meaning and a closer affinity. Physical traces are mementos, these could be photographs, souvenirs, objects and connections that link our memories to the past.

A digital identity is one that we forge ourselves and correspond to what we say about ourselves to create a profile of who we think we are / who we want to be.

Memento themes:

-Spiritual locations

-Memorable locations --> Primary Research --> Rochester Castle / Bridge.


-Relics of the past

-The thought that something is never really gone


Concept 1:

Turning something that was once significant into something that is insignificant.

-How time allows for healing and change.

-Something that was once significant and powerful becomes weak and unknown.

-Ozymandias Sonnet. All powerful to nothing.

-The statue represented a powerful foe, after centuries passed he was forgotten and lost power and respect.

Peter and Katniss at the end of the Hunger Games series sit in a field watching their children play is what used to be a mass grave.

-Due to the passing of time nature grew and the characters healed.

-A location like that holds a dark past but transforms into something with new meaning.

Design idea for concept 1:

Sketch 1:

Mighty statue of the past transformed into a simple relic of the past that no longer represents power, but has been simply forgotten due to the passing of time.

-Static animation frames to pose the statue

-Bystander looking up

-Statue has been overtaken by nature once more

-The sketch is not very accurate to the message that the statue has been reduced to something weak and forgotten as the character is looking up in awe implying that. Next time I will use that statue as an everyday object that has had its history forgotten.

Sketch 2:

-Transform something once powerful into something rudimentary and forgotten.

-Instead of the character looking up at the statue in awe they will use it as if it was an everyday item: normalising it.

-Similar to the previous concept sketch, the statue has been reclaimed by nature once more. Almost have the statue look like it is blending into the environment. Use rocks, ivy and moss to blend the transition between man made and natural environments.

-Green (Nature), Brown (Simple), Orange (Protection / Safety)

References for first test pieces:


-Star Wars The Force Awakens - Rey AT-AT

-Unreal Engine Redwood forest asset pack

Concept 2:

Design idea for concept 2:

-A graveyard created from relics of the past.

-Aesthetics are similar to an old temple that is being reclaimed by nature over time --> Buddhist temple.

-Somehow produce the mysterious sensation that this location still has connections to souls through the use of relics and mementos.

-Fog created a sense of mystery and outer worldly.

-Dense wildlife implies a deep connection to life.

-Ambient sounds and music can produce a spiritual connection to this environment.

-Green (Nature), Brown (Simple), Grey / Blue (Cool chilling colours).

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